Monday, 9 April 2012

Wood Carvings

I was walking around one of those parks at the weekend. You know the sort, a sanitised man-made version of the countryside, with lots of signs telling me where to walk, and what I should be looking at. It was nice to stroll out with Lady Sarah though and we did stumble across this beauty.
I do love to see a good wood carving, it really is a fine art. I was reminded of the wonderful carvings of Brian Mills which were regularly advertised in Carpworld in the 80's.
I bet his works  of art fetch a fortune these days. I wonder what became of him.


  1. I'm with you Gurn, love a bit of wood - very tactile. I met a guy at an NEC do, he was taking commissions for carvings of birds and fish and I nearly had one but my head was turned by a large bronze barbel that sits proudly on my front window sill. I wish I'd had enough cash for both but they were both expensive items.

    The top one looks a bit like me sunbathing by the way ;-)

  2. That carp looks better than the real thing!
