Off to potter then, in Lathams of Potter Higham (apparently pronounced Pot 'a' Ham)...I always look, never buy.
Having received my angling quota for the weekend we happened upon a sign directing us to an antique and bric-a-brac shop. Upon arrival, we were greeted by an eccentric looking gentleman, surrounded my countless loudly ticking and irregularly chiming clocks, the usual worthless ornaments and coastal ephemera.
However, in one corner lay various fly reels, centrepins and other fishy bits. Nothing really stood out as being worth procuring and I turned away. As I did, there, hanging above me was a cane rod, which looked to be in rather good nick."I know what that is", I thought. The label concurred with my thoughts and read 'Chapmans 500 Rod £85'......After much discussion and haggling from Lady Sarah who is much better than I at such things we left the shop with a perfectly useable Chapman 500 cane fishing rod for just £50, thus obviously leaving more money to buy Lady Sarah lunch!

The long weekend passed quickly and this mornings post revealed a packaged book,"Split-Cane and Sable" by Robin Armstrong..a gift from the good Lady and a fine tonic as I am currently suffering from the dreaded man-flu. On the face of it,it appears to be a good read; I will of course let you know how I get on with both items. Bless you Lady Sarah.
Like the blog, very nicely put together. I shall be keeping an eye on this one.
ReplyDeleteThank you,You are more than welcome sir.